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Plattform Generation Praktikum was founded in 2006 and is a registered voluntary association

PGP’s activities include research related to the phenomena of internships, organising and participating in related projects as well as hosting and organising discussions and networking events.


Short summary of our activities:

In order to provide the public debate about internships with tangible numbers and facts the Plattform Generation Praktikum published a study in July 2007 based on an online survey held the year before. The study was called Arbeit ohne Wert? Strukturmerkmale der PraktikantInnen-Beschäftigung im Hochschulkontext in Österreich(Worthless Work? Structural characteristics of internship employment in the academic context in Austria). This was the first survey on the issue of internships in Austria.

That same year the PGP took part in the conference “Generation P – Internships: A Form of Precarious Employment in Europe” on the 21st November in the European Parliament in Brussels, in which a petition, created by internship activists from Germany, France, Belgium and Austria, was presented. In the following months supporting signatures were collected and handed to the EU-Parliament.

The PGPs second studyPraktikantIn gesucht! Eine explorative Analyse des Praktika-Stellenmarktes in Österreich (Intern wanted! An explorative analysis of the internship labour market in Austria) was published summer 2009.

In 2010 PGP participated in the creation of the “Gütesiegel Praktikum” (Internship quality seal) of the National Student Union. The quality seal represents an important step toward quality assurance and fairness of internships and can be seen as an indicator of an internship’s characteristics in terms of content, working conditions and contract.

From 2011 networking and cooperation with other organisations have intensified. This is illustrated by the fact that now representatives of the Chamber of Labour, the Austrian Students Union as well as the Union of Private Sector Employees, Printing, Journalism, and Paper were included to our board to ensure a joint effort for fair internships

In September 2011, on the incentive of the European Youth Forum (EYE) a stakeholder and expert meeting “Towards Europe-wide Quality Standards for Internships and Apprenticeships” took place in the European Parliament in Brussels; with the active participation of the Plattform Generation Praktikum. As a result an EU-wide “Internship Quality Charta” was created – which was also submitted to the Austrian Parliament.

PGP also took part in the “Youth Employment: A Call for Change” conference in Paris December 2011 on youth employment in Europe, where internships were specifically addressed. Politicians, labour market experts, economists, union representatives, youth organisations and internship activists from around Europe discussed possibilities to integrate young people into the labour market.

From 2012 the Plattform Generation Praktikum has intensified its involvement in international labour law policy and trans-national cooperation. PGP is proud founding member of the “International Coalition for Fair Internships” and is actively participates in the “Intern Labor Discussion Forum”.

The Plattform Generation Praktikum has several future projects coming up: We are working on sensibilisation workshops for schools and will be representing the interests of interns in several workshops and committees. We will of course also continue our communication and networking with relevant interest groups such as the Chamber of Labour, the National Student Union as well as the Union of Private Sector Employees, Printing, Journalism, and Paper.



Veronika Kronberger

_MG_1089Chairwoman of the Plattform Generation Praktikum


Veronika is a trained photographer and a student of Cultural and Social Anthropology at the University of Vienna. She also worked at the Department for Social Policy at the Federal Student Union and is the project coordinator for the internship quality seal. Since mid-2012 she is head of the PGP and responsible for coordination and public relations

Paul Ringler



Paul is a sociologist with a focus on quantitative research; he works in market and social research where he is responsible for acquisition and realisation of research projects. At the PGP he is responsible for communication and networking.

Regina Gottwald-Knoll


After studying sociology Regina gained several years of professional experience in social research as well as in academia. She currently works for the Lower Austrian Chamber of Labour, in the department for education and culture.

Benedict Anthony Raho

Benedict Anthony Rahoben.raho@generation-praktikum.at

Ben is trained policy analyst with a focus on energy policy, social policy and immigration policy, he currently works in market research. A member of PGP since 2008, he is responsible for international communication and networking

Katharina Zehetmeyer
STUDIOHORST ROG_6129katharina.zehetmeyer@generation-praktikum.at

Studied political science on focus social policy and immigration – and integration policy. Member of the Plattform Generation Praktikum since autum 2012.

Anna Schopf



Founder of PGP

Sociologist and communication scientist, currently lecturer on project management.

Additional board members include representatives of the Vienna Chamber of Labour, the Union of Private Sector Employees, Printing, Journalism, and Paper, as well as the Austrian Students Union


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